Hawkeye BDS Art Scale Staty 1/10 Kate Bishop 21 cm
Hawkeye BDS Art Scale Staty 1/10 Kate Bishop 21 cm
Efter att ha rivit den stora julgranen från Rockefeller Center-komplexet i New York med en sur pil och befriat sin partner och mentor, står den unga bågskytten vid hans sida med sin båge laddad med speciella pilar, redo att möta en grupp kriminella som omger dem. Inspirerad av "So This Is Christmas?" avsnitt, sjätte och sista avsnittet av Hawkeye-miniserien skapad för Disney+, Iron Studios tar med statyn "Kate Bishop BDS - Hawkeye Series - Art Scale 1/10", med hjälten över en piedestal på Central Plaza där seriens klimax slåss händer, täckt av snö, och grenar och kvistar från den fallna julgranen vid hennes fötter, och replikerar i realistiska detaljer ansiktsdragen hos skådespelerskan Hailee Steinfeld, och alla texturer och nyanser i hennes kostym.
Efter att ha förlorat sin far under The Battle of New York och blivit räddad av Clint Barton, idoliserade Bishop Hawkeye Avengers hjältemod, och inspirerad av honom tränade hon under hela sin barndom för att bli en mästare i bågskytte, tävlingsdeltagande i stridssporter och vinna många utmärkelser. När hon undersökte några misstänkta aktiviteter i ett actionhus, där hon attackerades av kriminella, korsades hennes och Bartons vägar ännu en gång, vilket ledde till att Kate blev hans partner under en utredning som involverade mord, det klumpiga brottsgänget känt som Tracksuit Mafia, den ryska änkan. spionen Yelena Belova och den skräckinjagande Kingpin Wilson Fisk.
Storlek: 21 x 15 x 13 cm
Massor med merchandise och prylar.
After tearing down the big Christmas tree from the Rockefeller Center complex in New York with an acid arrow and free her partner and mentor, the young archer stands by his side with her bow loaded with especial arrows, ready to face a group of criminals that surround them. Inspired by the "So This Is Christmas?" episode, sixth and last episode of the Hawkeye miniseries created for Disney+, Iron Studios bring the statue "Kate Bishop BDS - Hawkeye Series - Art Scale 1/10", with the hero over a pedestal of the Central Plaza where the series' climax battle happens, covered by snow, and branches and twigs from the fallen Christmas tree by her feet, and replicating in realistic details the face features of the actress Hailee Steinfeld, and all the textures and nuances of her suit.
After loosing her father during The Battle of New York, and being saved by Clint Barton, Bishop idolized the heroism of the Hawkeye Avenger, and inspired by him she trained during her entire childhood to become a master in archery, competitively participating in combat sports and winning many awards. While investigating some suspicious activities in an action house, where she was attacked by criminals, her and Barton's paths crossed once more, leading Kate to become his partner during an investigation involving murders, the clumsy crime gang known as the Tracksuit Mafia, the Russian Widow spy Yelena Belova and the fearsome Kingpin Wilson Fisk.
Size: 21 x 15 x 13 cm
Efter att ha förlorat sin far under The Battle of New York och blivit räddad av Clint Barton, idoliserade Bishop Hawkeye Avengers hjältemod, och inspirerad av honom tränade hon under hela sin barndom för att bli en mästare i bågskytte, tävlingsdeltagande i stridssporter och vinna många utmärkelser. När hon undersökte några misstänkta aktiviteter i ett actionhus, där hon attackerades av kriminella, korsades hennes och Bartons vägar ännu en gång, vilket ledde till att Kate blev hans partner under en utredning som involverade mord, det klumpiga brottsgänget känt som Tracksuit Mafia, den ryska änkan. spionen Yelena Belova och den skräckinjagande Kingpin Wilson Fisk.
Storlek: 21 x 15 x 13 cm
Massor med merchandise och prylar.
After tearing down the big Christmas tree from the Rockefeller Center complex in New York with an acid arrow and free her partner and mentor, the young archer stands by his side with her bow loaded with especial arrows, ready to face a group of criminals that surround them. Inspired by the "So This Is Christmas?" episode, sixth and last episode of the Hawkeye miniseries created for Disney+, Iron Studios bring the statue "Kate Bishop BDS - Hawkeye Series - Art Scale 1/10", with the hero over a pedestal of the Central Plaza where the series' climax battle happens, covered by snow, and branches and twigs from the fallen Christmas tree by her feet, and replicating in realistic details the face features of the actress Hailee Steinfeld, and all the textures and nuances of her suit.
After loosing her father during The Battle of New York, and being saved by Clint Barton, Bishop idolized the heroism of the Hawkeye Avenger, and inspired by him she trained during her entire childhood to become a master in archery, competitively participating in combat sports and winning many awards. While investigating some suspicious activities in an action house, where she was attacked by criminals, her and Barton's paths crossed once more, leading Kate to become his partner during an investigation involving murders, the clumsy crime gang known as the Tracksuit Mafia, the Russian Widow spy Yelena Belova and the fearsome Kingpin Wilson Fisk.
Size: 21 x 15 x 13 cm
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