Yu-Gi-Oh! Figur Seto Kaiba 12 cm
Yu-Gi-Oh! Figur Seto Kaiba 12 cm
Seto Kaiba gör sin debut på jakt efter Youtoozs dolda Blue-Eyes White Dragon-kort! Stående på 5 tum lång, griper han sina 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon-kort i sin vänstra hand och gör sig redo att kalla ett för en förödande attack med den långa röda och grå duellskivan fastspänd på sin vänstra arm. Brunt hår kommer ner över hans panna och lämnar bara det allvarliga uttrycket från hans ansikte. Hans långa vita kappa har en skarp kant och sticker ut med spetsar runt midjan, med en hög dubbkrage och axel, den täcker hans snäva svarta outfit som är försedd med blåa remmar runt hans armar och ben. Utsidan av hans förpackning ser Kaiba omgiven av sina 3 blåögda vita drakar. Interiören är blekt mörkblå med strängar av hieroglyfer som jobbar sig in på hans skyddande förpackning, där han poserar framför ett cirkulärt blått sigill och hans figur kan ses genom det stora genomskinliga fönstret på dess framsida. Detta samlarobjekt levereras i en matt, präglad, skyddande ytterhylsa och ett specialformat plastskydd för maximalt skydd under frakt.
Om Yu-Gi-Oh!:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Är en japansk anime baserad på en manga med samma namn och har gett upphov till den otroligt populära TCG med miljontals spelare över hela världen! Berättelsen följer Yugi Muto och Yami Yugi (som bor i honom) när han och hans vänner skyddar världen från att Millennium-föremålen hamnar i fel händer på det enda sättet de vet hur, genom att slåss med Duel Monsters!
Massor med merchandise och prylar.
Seto Kaiba makes his debut in search of Youtooz's hidden Blue-Eyes White Dragon card! Standing at 5 inches tall, he grips his 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards in his left hand and gets ready to summon one for a devastating attack with the long red and grey duel disk strapped to his left arm. Brown hair comes down over his forehead, leaving only the serious expression glaring from his face. His long white coat has a sharp trim and juts out with points around its waist, with a high studded collar and shoulder, it covers his tight black outfit that's accessorized with blue straps around his arms and legs. The exterior of his packaging sees Kaiba surrounded by his 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons. The interior is faded dark blue with strings of hieroglyphs that work their way onto his protective packaging, where he poses in front of a circular blue seal and his figure can be seen through the large clear window at its front. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
About Yu-Gi-Oh!:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Is a Japanese anime based off a manga of the same name and has spawned the incredibly popular TCG with millions of players worldwide! The story follows Yugi Muto and Yami Yugi (who resides inside him) as he and his friends protect the world from the Millennium items falling into the wrong hands the only way they know how, by battling with Duel Monsters!
Om Yu-Gi-Oh!:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Är en japansk anime baserad på en manga med samma namn och har gett upphov till den otroligt populära TCG med miljontals spelare över hela världen! Berättelsen följer Yugi Muto och Yami Yugi (som bor i honom) när han och hans vänner skyddar världen från att Millennium-föremålen hamnar i fel händer på det enda sättet de vet hur, genom att slåss med Duel Monsters!
Massor med merchandise och prylar.
Seto Kaiba makes his debut in search of Youtooz's hidden Blue-Eyes White Dragon card! Standing at 5 inches tall, he grips his 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards in his left hand and gets ready to summon one for a devastating attack with the long red and grey duel disk strapped to his left arm. Brown hair comes down over his forehead, leaving only the serious expression glaring from his face. His long white coat has a sharp trim and juts out with points around its waist, with a high studded collar and shoulder, it covers his tight black outfit that's accessorized with blue straps around his arms and legs. The exterior of his packaging sees Kaiba surrounded by his 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons. The interior is faded dark blue with strings of hieroglyphs that work their way onto his protective packaging, where he poses in front of a circular blue seal and his figure can be seen through the large clear window at its front. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.
About Yu-Gi-Oh!:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Is a Japanese anime based off a manga of the same name and has spawned the incredibly popular TCG with millions of players worldwide! The story follows Yugi Muto and Yami Yugi (who resides inside him) as he and his friends protect the world from the Millennium items falling into the wrong hands the only way they know how, by battling with Duel Monsters!
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